‘Living legend’ marine biologist Sylvia Earle delivers lecture at BIOS
Imagine going for a Sunday drive in the family submarine.
Ocean Rendezvous Rescues Research Project
Ruth Curry, Senior Research Specialist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), is used to…
Is Copper to Blame for Fish Declines in San Francisco Bay?
Residents of the San Francisco Bay region have long suspected that its waters might be contaminated…
Hurricane Wind Speed Can Predict Economic Losses
Every hurricane season, from June 1 through November 30, we’re reminded that hurricanes are a force…
First Publication from SCOR Working Group, Chaired by BIOS Faculty
The June 2012 issue of Eos featured the first report of the newly formed Scientific Committee on…
Scientists Convene at BIOS for Time-Series Workshop
From November 28-30, 2012 BIOS will host the international ocean time-series workshop, Moving…
BIOS Hosts Gala Event on November 9th
With the start of its 110-year anniversary just a few months away, and the recent installation of…
North Atlantic Ocean Absorbing Less CO2 Than Originally Thought
For many years scientists have operated on the belief—backed by extensive calculations and climate…
Under-Researched Marine Organisms Play Larger than Life Role in Ocean Chemistry
Earlier this year, scientists wrapped up the second research cruise, as part of a multi-year…
BIOS Scientists Present at Australian Event
Last week three BIOS scientists – Tim Noyes and Dr. Eric Hochberg in the …