

Tiny Algae, Surprising Findings

Chemical oceanographer Nick Bates’s ongoing study of the ocean-atmosphere interface sheds…

Five Years, Five Students—and a Fine Paper to Show

Since its beginning in 1903 as a field station for students and scientists at Harvard University…

Working Around the Weather

Understanding our planet and how it functions, as well as the impacts that human activities have on…

A Royal Visit to BIOS

Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, toured BIOS this month during a visit to Bermuda to celebrate the…

New BIOS Partnership Enhances School’s Science Curriculum

BIOS’s Ocean Academy program has a new partner in delivering hands-on science education…

Living, Breathing, and Learning Science

Last month a group of 39 P6 (primary school level 6, or grade 5 in the U.S. school system) students…

Olympian, Lionfish Expert, and, Now, BIOS Supervisor

Those who have lived in Bermuda or spent time around the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo…

BIOS Scientists Make Room for Flumes

When scientists study coral reefs, they are often interested in figuring out key components of reef…

Celebrating 25 Years of Undergraduate Research Success at BIOS

In 1991, a group of undergraduate students arrived in Bermuda to spend a semester with BIOS faculty…

BIOS’s Hydrostation S Receives Five More Years of Funding

Hydrostation S, the world’s longest-running hydrographic time-series with a location offshore…
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