Nitrous Oxide Cycling Study Points to Microbial Networks Key to Maintaining the Balance of Marine Nutrients
Oceans are critical to stabilizing the world’s climate, absorbing a quarter of all carbon dioxide…
Animals in Ocean’s Twilight Zone Thrive on Upcycled Nutrients
Living at the edge of darkness, the community of microbes and tiny animals in the ocean’s twilight…
From Alaska to Bermuda
The transformative power of education lies not only in the knowledge gained within the classroom…
Global Atlantic Financial Group leads funding to support deep-sea research and education efforts at BIOS
The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), a unit of Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures…
Research Week Opens the World of Oceanography for C-CoMP Students
Wedged between two windy weeks in April, calm weather descended upon Bermuda just as 11 graduate…
Changing Seas – Bermuda: Life at Ocean’s Edge
As the shipwreck capital of the world, Bermuda is known for its treacherous reefs. But these unique…
BIOS Inspires Lifelong Passion for Ocean Science
A world-class ocean science research facility, the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS)…
Students successfully complete the “Climate Classroom” learning how to incorporate climate data into future careers
A new collaboration between BIOS and the Overview Collective provided an exciting educational…
Lessons in Sustainability: Island Style Innovations
For five days a group of 20 undergraduate students from Barnard College in New York City (U.S.)…
Eight Charities To Participate In Climate Summit
Eight local environmental charities will participate in “climate risk solution conversations” at…