BIOS is looking forward to collaborating with Warwick Academy on developing programs and learning opportunities for their new Marine Science Facility. Both BIOS and Warwick Academy see the value of providing the next generation with a variety of classroom and field-based learning opportunities in the STEM subjects, which then serve to strengthen Bermuda’s pool of talent and expertise.
College students learn skills from BIOS
July 01, 2019
Both BIOS and Bermuda College are known for providing outstanding educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects for the island’s young people. While the Bermuda College is a degree-granting institution and BIOS is a not-for-profit research and education facility that focuses on training local students in primary, middle, and high school, both organizations have a similar goal: to provide the island’s children and young adults with the knowledge, skills, and experiences required for future success in academics and the workforce.
Sol Petroleum Bermuda Donates $5K To BIOS
August 30, 2019
Sol Petroleum Bermuda Limited, exclusive licensed distributor of Esso branded fuels, donated $5,000 to the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] Ocean Academy Program.
Michael R. Bloomberg to speak at first Bermuda Climate Risk Forum
October 17, 2019
Hamilton, Bermuda (October 17, 2019)—Three-term New York City mayor, entrepreneur, philanthropist and global leader on climate change Michael R. Bloomberg will be the keynote guest at a half-day, thought-leadership forum presented by the Bermuda Tourism Authority (BTA) later this month in association with the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS) and the inaugural Bermuda Championship, an official PGA TOUR event.
BIOS Announces 2019 Bermuda Program Interns
January 24, 2020
Each year a handful of Bermudian students are selected to participate in the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] Bermuda Program, which offers an excellent experience to work alongside top experts in the field.
RenaissanceRe Sponsor BIOS Programme
January 24, 2020
A spokesperson said, “Since 2015, the Mid-Atlantic Robotics IN Education program has been a core component of BIOS’s Ocean Academy, which offers a suite of hands-on education and research opportunities for students and teachers in Bermuda.
Lessons in Sustainability: Island Style Innovations
May 03, 2023
For five days a group of 20 undergraduate students from Barnard College in New York City (U.S.) visited BIOS as part of a new course titled “Bermuda: Case Studies in Environmental Sustainability.” Offered as an elective for students majoring in environmental science or environmental sustainability, the course combines the study of the island’s ecology, geology, and hydrology with an investigation into sustainability issues, such as biological conservation, drinking water, energy production, and waste management.
Students successfully complete the “Climate Classroom” learning how to incorporate climate data into future careers
May 03, 2023
A new collaboration between BIOS and the Overview Collective provided an exciting educational opportunity for Bermudian students called The Climate Classroom. With support from lead sponsor HSBC, over 200 students participated in this gamified immersive learning experience for M2 students across Bermuda from April 18th– May 2nd. The spokesperson said, “HSBC Bermuda is delighted to be the lead sponsor for this important education program on climate change and its impact on Bermuda’s marine life. We believe this learning experience will equip our students with the tools they need to make a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a sustainable future.”
BIOS Inspires Lifelong Passion for Ocean Science
May 03, 2023
A world-class ocean science research facility, the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS) inspires the next generation of marine biologists, oceanographers, marine ecologists and more by providing K-12 and college students a captivating introduction to the science of the ocean. BIOS is now expanding its impact, joining Arizona State University as part of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory™. BIOS brings over 120 years of research and education on Earth’s largest biome to the world’s first laboratory dedicated to reshaping our relationship with our planet.
Students Identify Organisms With ‘Keys to the Ocean’
February 28, 2023
A collaboration between Arizona State University’s “Ask A Biologist” website and researchers and educators at BIOS is helping students understand the fundamental concept of taxonomy, or grouping and classifying organisms based on their physical characteristics. Claire Fox (right), BIOS science education officer, designed an online, interactive game that leads players through the use of a dichotomous key, a tool that helps scientists identify unknown organisms—in this case, species of fish or zooplankton found in Bermuda. The game, called “Keys to the Ocean,” is tied into the “Identification Keys” lesson that is offered through BIOS’s Curriculum Enrichment Program as a 2.5-hour workshop, which includes the opportunity for students to conduct a plankton tow aboard a research vessel and view live plankton under microscopes.The history of taxonomy—or the science of naming, describing, and classifying organisms—is as old as human language and speaks to a fundamental desire to understand and bring order to the natural world. A new online game developed in partnership between Arizona State University’s (ASU’s) Ask A Biologist website and BIOS is combining this fascination with ongoing research to teach students how to use a dichotomous key, a tool that helps scientists identify unknown organisms.