
Grants-in-Aid, which range from $500 to $4,000 each, are available to help defray the costs of ASU BIOS in-house charges. Many of the awards are endowed, ensuring the availability of a significant amount of funding each year.

Applications for Grants-in-Aid should be submitted to the Grants-in-Aid Program by February 15 for projects during that calendar year. Announcements of grant awards will be made by March 1st. Any grants not used during the calendar year awarded cannot be carried forward to another year. If your plans change, and you wish to postpone your research trip to another year, please inform the GIA coordinator so that this support can be used to assist others; you will need to re-submit your proposal for another year.

Please note that applicants are expected to provide part of their funding from sources other than ASU BIOS. Grants are intended as start-up funds on projects that will lead to continuing research efforts at ASU BIOS; projects involving collaboration with our scientists are encouraged. GIA awards can be used only to help defray the following ASU BIOS-based costs: small boat rental, boat fuel, SCUBA tank fills, lab fees, specialized facilities fees (e.g. microscope), accommodation and dining hall meals. They do not cover travel, salary, personal expenses, or purchase of equipment/supplies.

At the conclusion of their research, recipients of Grants-in-Aid funding will give an oral presentation on the research they conducted at ASU BIOS. In order to inform and thank the BIOS donors that have made their grants possible, recipients must also submit a short report acknowledging their donors and outlining the research conducted as a result of their support.

Grant proposals should be concise and contain the following:

  1. Abstract
  2. Background, objectives, methods and significance of proposed research, including justification for choosing Bermuda as a site (3 pages)
  3. Curriculum vitae
  4. Budget, including requested support from ASU BIOS and funding from other sources.

For questions about applicable fees and rates, please email

Send your proposal or request for additional information by e-mail to:

Grants-in-Aid Program
Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
17 Biological Station
Ferry Reach St. George's GE 01
Tel: (441) 297-1880

Contact Information